Children and Mental Health
Children & Mental Health
Having good mental health is key to the healthy development and wellbeing of every child. Kids need good mental health to be able to deal with challenges and adapt to change, but so they can feel good about themselves, build healthy relationships with others and enjoy life.
While children can experience mental health issues at any age, they are most at risk between the ages of 12 and 16 years. If your child, or a child you know, is having mental health issues, the best thing you can do is get them some help, before it gets worse.
Mental health difficulties in children might present as frequent or intense struggles with their emotions, their thoughts, behaviors, learning or relationships. Everyone feels sad, angry or upset sometimes, including children. But if a kid feels like this most of the time, it’s a sign they may need help. Other signs include difficulty coping, getting on with others or staying interested in activities.
About 1 in 7 children and adolescents aged 4 to 17 have recently experienced a mental health disorder in Australia. The most common disorder is ADHD, followed by anxiety, depression and conduct disorder.
If you think your child has a mental health issue, it’s important to reach out for professional help.
Long-lasting and safe and secure relationships, such as with the child’s family (including extended family and carers), are considered the most influential factors in a child’s life. Other Protective factors include…
As a parent or concerned adult, there are some simple steps you can take to support a child’s mental health. These are things like taking an active interest in the child, encouraging them to talk about what’s happening in their life and being aware of changes in their behavior.
Seek support from your doctor or other health or mental health professional if you are concerned.
*Sourced from Health Direct
App – Raising healthy minds
Headspace –
For further support and assistance, please call the Psychealth Helpline, details below.
Phone: 1800 497 197 (AUS)/ 0800 466 400 (NZ)
Additional Resources/ Helplines
Kids helpline
1800 55 1800
Offers a free (even from a mobile), confidential 24/7 online and phone counseling service for young people aged 5 to 25.
VIC – 13 22 89
View other states phone numbers by clicking here
Parent Line is a free telephone counseling and support service for parents and carers with children aged 0 to 18
Online chatting
A safe place to chat anonymously, get support, and feel better.
New Zealand
0800 376 633
Youth development organization that works with young people in NZ
0800 942 8787
Phone counseling is available every day of the week, 365 days of the year, 11am–11pm for 5-18 year olds.